The Star Wars Meeting
As I journeyed, my mind dwelt on the revealed meeting. I considered it a fictional confession, but not so. As I stealthily moved around the square domain, I saw figures moving through sunlight and shadows; their bodies dancing to a silent archaic rhythm.
Confusion and chaos at first glance revealed planned and choreographed movements. Light-sabers clashed in a frenzied attempt to defend an unknown treasure. The cost life, yet, death was not final. They possessed powers which restored breath and limb.
Though graceful in thought, reality was harsh and undaunting. Their identities revealed; the shadows did not conceal the Jedi’s Storybook battle.
All were captivated; in total awe and amazement at the legendary skills possessed by all: agility was extraordinary, timing precise, and saber skills startling.
One cannot say they have lived until they have witnessed such a feat as this.
Confusion and chaos at first glance revealed planned and choreographed movements. Light-sabers clashed in a frenzied attempt to defend an unknown treasure. The cost life, yet, death was not final. They possessed powers which restored breath and limb.
Though graceful in thought, reality was harsh and undaunting. Their identities revealed; the shadows did not conceal the Jedi’s Storybook battle.
All were captivated; in total awe and amazement at the legendary skills possessed by all: agility was extraordinary, timing precise, and saber skills startling.
One cannot say they have lived until they have witnessed such a feat as this.
I longed to see this meeting happen. I drove by later to see if I could find the awesome light reflecting off of each other like sunlight reflecting off of a bald mans head. Disappointingly all I found was 4 people, 2 in their own pop-up chairs and 2 in the ground, sitting in a circle no doubting discussing their next meeting and how the force will guide them through the week. I almost shed a tear.
In other news, George Lucas has changed his mind in respect to being finished with the Star Wars franchise to come to Burley Idaho and film STAR WARS: A Single's Only Hope. The fans, I'm told, are somewhat less then exicted. Such quotes as "Crazed," "Mucas-filled stuck up nose," and "What the **** is his thinking" adorn websites and city parks a like.
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