It starts with a small fact
That becomes more glamorous
As time wears on
Passed between friends then
Acquaintances to show knowledge
Of the town’s goings-on
Out of context, twisted and bent
Used for entertainment and such
Never bothered for accuracy
Returns to creator more alive
Twice or thrice its size
Barely recognizable
However, taken at face value
Polished and primed for a
Second go around
Outlandish, indistinguishable
Names, dates, and places added
All from one little line
It started with they said ‘hi’
Then to a two week stint
Now they’re engaged
Doubt she had him at ‘hello’
Something more happened to
Get there from here
But no, they just said ‘hi’
And kept walking on
Nothing more than that
That becomes more glamorous
As time wears on
Passed between friends then
Acquaintances to show knowledge
Of the town’s goings-on
Out of context, twisted and bent
Used for entertainment and such
Never bothered for accuracy
Returns to creator more alive
Twice or thrice its size
Barely recognizable
However, taken at face value
Polished and primed for a
Second go around
Outlandish, indistinguishable
Names, dates, and places added
All from one little line
It started with they said ‘hi’
Then to a two week stint
Now they’re engaged
Doubt she had him at ‘hello’
Something more happened to
Get there from here
But no, they just said ‘hi’
And kept walking on
Nothing more than that
All I can say for this one is AMEN SISTER!
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